Permitted uses of my music:
You can use my music as a backing track to any kind of spoken word recording i.e. guided meditations, hypnosis, documentry or instructional recordings.
You can use my music as a backing track in videos you create for YouTube and other online hosting services. You may not use my music to create ‘music only’ videos.Any video you create must include a voice over. Note…you only need to cover one-third of the video duration with narration.
You can use my music in the background of films, multimedia projects, TV programs, DVD productions, corporate presentations and audio-visual tutorials.You may sell, stream or distribute an unlimited quantity of these videos in digital formats and as DVDs, in as many online or offline stores as you like. However, you cannot use my music to create “music only” productions. Any production you create must include a voiceover. Please note that you only need to cover one-third of the video duration with narration.
You can play my music at a commercial venue with a limit of 1 location per license. For example, day spas, hotels, restaurants, conferences, on-hold music. You can also play my music during consultations with clients or patients. For example, meditation or yoga classes, hypnotherapy, physical therapy and medical procedures.
You can use my music repeatedly as a backing track in spoken word recordings that you create on a case by case basis for your clients or patients. Please note that recordings such as these cannot be duplicated, distributed or sold by your clients. Only you, the licensee, have the right to create and sell recordings that incorporate the music.
Prohibited uses of my music:
You cannot sell, stream or distribute my music as a ‘music only’ product. This means that you cannot sell CDs or digital downloads of my music, nor can you stream my music online or via software applications. You cannot use my music to create music videos or embed our music in a media player.
You cannot alter my music and then claim that the music is yours. For example, you cannot add brainwave entrainment frequencies or nature sounds or singing to our music and then sell or distribute the music as your own product. Any audio production you create must include a spoken word voiceover.
You cannot use the title of my music as the title of any media production that incorporates the music. For example, if you used the music “Quiet Waves ” to create a guided meditation recording, you could not give your recording the title “ Quiet Waves”.
You cannot sub-license my music to any third party. You cannot distribute my music as part of a production music library, as stock music, royalty free music library, or within any kind of media creation software.
You cannot sub-license my music to any third party. You cannot distribute my music as part of a production music library, as stock music, royalty free music library, or within any kind of media creation software.
Providing a Credit:
All the music at Linda McGann Music was created by Linda McGann and you must credit her except when it is technically unfeasible to do so. A credit is a welcome gesture of respect that will also help to save you from copyright claims. Here are some examples of how to publish a credit:
CD / DVD Credit
Simply publish a written credit on the CD/DVD insert and/or on the back cover.
“(Title of Music) by Linda Mc Gann Licensed by Linda Mc Gann.”
MP3 / Digital Download Credit
Simply add a credit to the meta tag for the composer: Linda McGann. Please do not list Linda as the “artist”. If you use the music in a YouTube video (or similar online service), you must add a credit in the video description that lists the names of the tracks you used and a link to Linda McGann’s personal website. For example:
“(Title of Music) by Linda McGann. Licensed by ‘Linda McGann.” (
Film / TV Production Credit
Simply place the following in the closing credits:
“(Title of Music) by Linda McGann. Licensed by Linda McGann.”
Video Conference / Live stream Credit
A credit is not required for live, online broadcasts, however if you are feeling generous we would be grateful if you would mention in your broadcast that your music was created by Linda McGann. If your live stream later becomes a permanent video production that can be replayed, please provide a credit as per the previous description for YouTube and other online videos.
License fees:
Once your initial payment is received you will not have to pay any ongoing fees of any type. My music is truly royalty free, which means that it is not registered with any performing rights organizations of any kind.
I take my customers’ privacy seriously. At no time will your personal details or e-mail address be passed onto any other company. I do not see, nor do I retain any financial data such as credit card numbers. These are gathered and processed securely by our e-commerce partners, such as Stripe.
Refund Policy:
Please choose your music carefully. Like most other online shops that sell downloadable products, it is not possible for a refund or exchange any product that has already been downloaded. Once the download has taken place, the purchase is final.